Monday, November 11, 2013

Ronn Torossian: Does America Want Another World Trade Center?

Imagine the righteous anger Americans would feel if someone would dare blame America for the World Trade Center bombings. Was it America's fault that the WTC was bombed?

Anyone with a brain would say that America was attacked by dangerous terrorists. Indeed, in this world there is such a thing as good and bad, right and wrong. The victim is not to be blamed.

Yet this week Secretary of State John Kerry encouraged the Arabs to commit violence on Israel by asking, "I mean, does Israel want a third intifada?"

The Second Intifada, which began in 2000, brought with it the cold-blooded killing of more than 1,000 Israelis. Is Israel to expect thousands more to be killed if they don't give in? Did the great Republic of the United States of America not have a policy of not negotiating with terrorists? Yet now they are encouraging Israel to sacrifice with a gun to its head? Shameful.

Kerry said Israel's "isolation" would be their own fault if a peace deal with the Palestinians falls through. Kerry further warned the Israelis that "the alternative to getting back to the talks is the potential of chaos," and continued, "There will be an increasing campaign of delegitimization of Israel [that] has been taking place in an international basis."

This is tantamount to Kerry calling upon Arabs to kill Jews. While America urges Israel to show restraint with Iran's nuclear weapons, they say if Israel doesn't negotiate, they are to blame.

To say if Israel doesn't give in to the Arabs then violence will follow is simply despicable. Intifadas kill thousands and endanger innocent people. The Arabs stage protests to damage Israel and use violence against Israel.

The Palestinian Arabs have massacred Jewish men, women and children before there was a state of Israel, and don't need John Kerry to encourage them to continue to do so. After all the pogroms, crusades, and the Holocaust, can't the Jews just live without incitement from the American government against them?

These statements blame Israel regardless of all else, and encourage the Palestinians to commit violence. As Zionist prophet Ze'ev Jabotinsky once said: "At the root of our 2000 years of suffering is our refusal to surrender. The history of the Jewish people in the exile is not the history of what they did, but the history of what was done to them."

Israel has met many enemies and will remain strong. America wasn't to blame for the World Trade Center — and Israel isn't to blame for attacks upon her, either.

Ronn Torossian is CEO of the New York public relations agency 5WPR.


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